
Explore what we are doing on Brampton's journey to carbon neutral



Brampton Fell Moss Restoration

Brampton 2 Zero are collaborating with Brampton Fell Farm to restore the Brampton Fell Moss. The project will be funded by a Natural Food Management Scheme.  more  

Eco walks around Brampton

Brampton 2 Zero have collaborated with "Brampton Walkers are Welcome" to provide eco information to walkers with the aim of increasing their connection with nature.  more  

Biodiversity: Swift boxes

We are providing swift boxes to enable our existing swift population to expand.  more  

Tree planting at Talkin Tarn

Brampton 2 Zero have created a project which both provides a personal tree planting scheme plus makes an income to fund projects.  more  

Biodiversity: The Brampton Big tree Plant

Brampton 2 Zero are collaborating with the Woodland Trust to plant trees in Brampton to sequester the carbon we are producing and to provide pollination and wildlife pathways. Our...  more  

Biodiversity: Bring Back the Hedgehog

We have been planting more trees, widening the existing woodland, restoring hedges and shelter belts....  more  

Biodiversity: Unity Farm Peat Bog Project

We are maintaining the peat bog and ecology around Unity Farm – near Gelt Woods.   more  

Biodiversity: The Heugh

We have been planting more trees, widening the existing woodland, restoring hedges and shelter belts....  more  

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